Hi, I’m Gretchen!

I am a Certified Transformational Nutrition and Mental Wellness Coach, (C.T.N.C) and Highly Sensitive Person Professional Coach specializing in guiding Highly Sensitive People to navigate life’s challenges and embrace their unique innate trait.

– Gretchen Bergantine
The HSP Lifestyle Coach

What Is a Highly Sensitive Person?

Highly Sensitive Person, or HSP, is a term coined by psychologist Elaine Aron. According to Aron’s theory, HSPs are a subset of the population who are high in a personality trait known as sensory-processing sensitivity, or SPS. By definition, a Highly Sensitive Person is someone who experiences acute physical, mental, or emotional responses to stimuli.

Highly Sensitive People make up about 20% of the population born with a nervous system that’s more finely-tuned than those of others. However, new research and studies indicate this number could be closer to 30% which is GREAT news for everyone!

HSPs are deep processors (both consciously and unconsciously) and process our thoughts, feelings and experiences more deeply than others. Our emotions are supercharged and magnified in which sadness is pure sorrow and joy is pure ecstasy.

We are empathizers who care and feel deeply for other people. We can “read a room” and pick up on subtle changes, moods, body language, facial expressions and sense a shift in the way our body feels (that uncomfortable, awkward pit in the stomach feeling).

A Highly Sensitive Person notices levels of stimulation that go unobserved by others. Our brain is aroused easily and reacts differently to stimuli (loud shopping carts and restroom hand dryers anyone?). As a result, we go through more intense emotions and have higher sensitivity levels compared to others.

Because we’re constantly processing SO much information and stimuli, we overwhelm more easily! This constant state of overarousal can cause an overactive nervous system. So it’s no wonder that we turn to food, alcohol, or whatever to calm the chaos, right? Which then turns our sensitive nervous system back into overdrive because we are flooding it with toxins in food, alcohol, etc.

As someone who once had the same struggles, I created the program, “Stop Numbing, Start Living” to help others who ‘numb out’ soothe their overactive nervous system.

In order for us to address the symptoms, we need to first address the root cause and understand the psychological, physiological and emotional reasons why we do what we do. I use the 3 pillar Transformational Nutrition Model™ (mental, physical and spiritual nutrition), incorporate the 4 main characteristics of an HSP, (D.O.E.S.) and the 6 Alive to Thrive for HSPs and discuss ways for you to understand your HSP trait. These will help you understand the “WHY” behind your numbing and develop healthy habits using proven methods to incorporate into your HSP Lifestyle. This, my friends, will help you to stop numbing and start living! You in?

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